We at the Westmorland & Lonsdale Conservative Association are very keen to get young people involved in the decision making process.
These events are normally for members, however if you are not a member come along and see what you think. Come and talk with other people your age and let's do something important!
The point is this. Others WILL make decisions on your behalf, it's the nature of politics in our country. So the ONLY way to influence those decisions is to be involved in the process. The Conservative Policy Forum is a national 'organisation' and the format is very simple.
We need to formulate policy as a Party both locally and nationally, we want this process to involve YOU the public, and more accurately YOU the 'younger' members of society. The events will be held around the Westmorland & Lonsdale Constituency. There will be County and District Councillors present and we will discuss what you think we ought to be doing. GET INVOLVED, don't miss on the chance to influence decisions that WILL affect you.
For more info call us on 01539 724754 or email us at info@westmorlandconservatives.org.uk